Scranton also speaks about how hard it is for the average citizen to raise any awareness or get anything done relating to climate change because “no matter how many people take to the streets in massive marches or in target direct actions they cannot put their hands on the real flows of power, because they do not help produce it. They only consume.” (pg 60) He raises the point that it is the few powerful corporations who have all the power relating to coal production and CO2 emissions because they are the ones who produce it, and those who consume are always going to be at their hands. This is a very important point and gives me a reason why I feel so helpless to this whole situation we’ve got ourselves into.
Another thing that Scranton said that made me stop and think was that “every time you check your email, you’re heating up the planet” (pg 68) It’s something that i don’t think about, how electronic things, even cell phone, the internet, it all runs on coal. On the same page he goes on to say that “The problem is that the problem is too big. The problem is that different people want different things. the problem is that nobody has real answers. The problem is that the problem is us.” Which I think is a really beautiful way to put it.
This book is very short but it’s got a lot of important things to say, even if it starts a little depressisng by insinuating that “we have to learn to die not as individuals, but as a civilization.” (pg 21). Then again, climate change is nothing but depressing.